Monday, February 24, 2014

Technology in the Classroom

Successfully Integrating Technology in the K-12 Classroom

            As technology has become more accessible, it has become a huge part of our everyday life. This is one reason why it is so essential to successfully integrate technology into the K-12 classrooms. Blair emphasizes, it is no longer sufficient for students to have less access to technological tools than the teacher, nor is it enough for any one suite of software to serve as the zenith for technology mastery. The use of technology allows for a wide range of teaching and learning opportunities for both students and teachers. As teachers, it is our job to create an environment where the students can successfully use technology.
            It is vital that teachers know how to effectively implement technology in the classroom in order to fully utilize all of the benefits. Edutopia Staff explains three things that make technology a successful tool in the classroom. Technology must be:
   routine and transparent;
   accessible and readily available for the task at hand;
   supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals.
Personally, I think it is difficult to use technology seamlessly in my first grade classroom. We use the computers at least twice a day for math and language arts rotations. Even though it is part of our daily routine we still run into problems on a daily basis. I have learned that it is best to let the students try to solve the problem on their own. In the beginning, I would rush over to them whenever they encountered a problem, but I soon realized that they werent learning anything when I was fixing the problem for them. Crismond, Howland, Jonassen, and Marra explain that students must solve rule-using problems in how to use software. When learners are solving problems, they are thinking deeply and are engaged in meaningful learning. In addition to students using technology and solving problems they may face, it is extremely important that they are taught how to use the technology appropriately. When my students first started using the computers, I was surprised that many of them did not know where the spacebar was, or even what its function was. Teachers must take the time to teach students how to use technology they are expected to use in the classroom. Once this has happened, the doors for learning and creating through technology will open.
            The use of technology in the classroom is also beneficial to teachers. In the years I have been teaching I have learned that it is best if I do not try to do too much at once. The same thing goes for technology in the classroom. My first year of teaching I wanted to use all of the new technology but it was too hard and it felt like I never got comfortable with any of them; therefore, I was never able to use them to their full ability. Since then, I have picked one or two things each year that I want to implement in my class. This year I chose to focus on ClassDojo. ClassDojo is a classroom management app that allows teachers to give green or red points based on student behavior. I have the app downloaded on my iPad and it projects onto the screen. Anytime we are in the hallway, using the bathroom, or in class working I can give them points based on their behavior. It is a simple piece of technology but my students love the instant feedback and love to see who has the most green points. Now that I have learned more about Evernote and how to use it in ways that will make note taking and organization easier, I have started to use Evernote during my guided reading groups. The amount of time I spend on guided reading has reduced tremendously and the time I spend working with my students has increased. Technology provides many opportunities in the classroom and it is vital for today’s learners that teachers know how to implement technology into the curriculum.

Class Dojo Tutorial

Integrating Technology PowerPoint

Blair, Nancy, (2012, February). Technology integration for the new 21st century learner. NAESP. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from

Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassen, D., Marra, M.R. (2012, July 10). How does technology facilitate learning? Retrieved January 24, 2014, from

Edutopia Staff. (2007, November 5). What is successful technology integration? Edutopia. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from